Quandamooka Language Map
Scientific evidence indicates that Quandamooka country has at least 20,000 years of Aboriginal history and less than 200 years of non-Aboriginal history. Yet, colonisation replaced most of the names that Aboriginal people used for places.
As a first step in reclaiming local place names, the Museum researched and produced a beautiful map showing the Jandai language words for various locations around the Island. The map is prominently displayed in the entrance of the Museum.
The map is the product of many months of research and consultation with Quandamooka families. It is also due to staff and volunteers from the Island and Museum having the opportunity of attending the State Library of Queensland’s Indigenous Language Research Workshops and the access to resources provided by Desmond Crump, the SLQ’s Indigenous Languages Coordinator. A bequest from the family of Aunty Colleen Costello has enabled the production of the map.
You can download a copy of the map here. Please feel free to print the map and share (for non-commercial purposes only.)
This map is designed to inform visitors. As a result of colonisation and the active suppression of Aboriginal languages, there are ad hoc spelling and name variations in European sources. Quandamooka families and oral sources have various names and spellings for places. The place names used reflect current usage and are not universal.
List of Sources
Pulan Pulan (Amity Point)
Colliver FA and Woolston FP 1975 “The Aborigines of Stradbroke Island” Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 86 (16)p.102.
QYAC Quandamooka Festival Guide 2017, p.5.
Mooloomba (Point Lookout)
Meston A. 1903 “Moreton Bay Islands II.” The Queenslander Brisbane Saturday 17 October 1903
QYAC Quandamooka Festival Guide 2017, p.5.
Wallen Creek
Map. November 1952. Parish of Stradbroke, County of Stanley. Brisbane Land Agents Districts. Moreton, Qld. Drawn and published at the Survey Office Department of Public Lands Brisbane.
Chiggle Chiggle Pa
(the musical sound of fresh water flowing swiftly over rippling sand)
Benstead P.L. 10.04.1924 Memorandum to the Chief Protector of Aboriginals South Brisbane.
Queensland State Archives;– Map November 1952. Parish of Stradbroke, County of Stanley. Brisbane Land Agents Districts. Moreton, Qld. Drawn and published at the Survey Office Department of Public Lands Brisbane.
Robert Anderson 2001 History Life and Times of Robert Anderson Gheebellum, Ngugi, Mulgumpin. Uniikup Productions, South Brisbane.
Ngarangarawai (Creek)
Minjerribah Moorgumpin Elders – in – Council Jandai Language Dictionary Dunwich 2011.
Cooroon Cooroonpah
Map. December 1971. Russell Island. Queensland Topographic Survey. Prepared and printed at the Survey Office. Department of Lands, Brisbane.
Bippo Penbean
Colliver FA and Woolston FP 1975 “The Aborigines of Stradbroke Island” Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 86 (16)
Map. November 1952. Parish of Stradbroke, County of Stanley. Brisbane Land Agents Districts. Moreton, Qld. Drawn and published at the Survey Office Department of Public Lands Brisbane.
Bummiera (Brown Lake)
Map-County of Stanley Showing Current Mining Titles. Department of Mines, Brisbane. 1967.
QYAC 2017, Quandamooka Festival Guide 2017, p.5.
NB. There are some sources indicating the name “Kaboora” for Brown Lake.
See Map Southern End of Moreton Bay n.d.; Military Map 1937; Yachtsman’s Map of Moreton Bay and Islands. 1960;
Aunty Rose Borey;
“Brisbane Water Supply. The Governors visit to Stradbroke Island.” By ‘Graphite”. Queensland Country Life February 1903. Brown Lake is named Lake B. Meeree, or Karboora.
Benstead P.L. 10.04.1924 Memorandum to the Chief Protector of Aboriginals South Brisbane.
Queensland State Archives; The Diary of Gustavis Birch 1873.
Paul Tripcony Collection. Fryer Library. University of Queensland.
Benstead P.L. 10.04.1924 Memorandum to the Chief Protector of Aboriginals South Brisbane.
Queensland State Archives; Paul Tripcony Collection. Fryer Library. University of Queensland.
Alternatively “Mungalba” – Paul Tripcony Collection. Fryer Library. University of Queensland. Interview with Paul Tripconny and Kath Walker circa 1975. Transcribed 29 November 2007. P.4.
Yerrol Creek
Map1888. Part of the Parish of Stanley, from the John Sands Atlas. Reproduced in “Stradbroke in Early Maps” J. Covacevich, E. Durbidge, J. McInnes. Focus on Stradbroke Boolarong Publications Brisbane. Stradbroke Island Management Organisation. Amity Point. 1984. P.93
Map. November 1952. Parish of Stradbroke, County of Stanley. Brisbane Land Agents Districts. Moreton, Qld. Drawn and published at the Survey Office Department of Public Lands Brisbane.
Robert Anderson 2001 History Life and Times of Robert Anderson Gheebellum, Ngugi, Mulgumpin. Uniikup Productions, South Brisbane.
Moopi Moopi Pa (One Mile)
Robert Anderson 2001 History Life and Times of Robert Anderson Gheebellum, Ngugi, Mulgumpin. Uniikup Productions, South Brisbane.
Paul Tripcony Collection. Fryer Library. University of Queensland.Goompi (Dunwich)
Robert Anderson 2001 History Life and Times of Robert Anderson Gheebellum, Ngugi, Mulgumpin. Uniikup Productions, South Brisbane.
Bippo Oyerpunya (Mount Hardgrave)
Colliver FA and Woolston FP 1975 “The Aborigines of Stradbroke Island” Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 86 (16)p.102.
Kaboora (Blue Lake)
Southern End of Moreton Bay showing motor tracks and approximate positions of buoys beacons etc. Harding and Halpin. No date
QYAC Quandamooka Festival Guide 2017, p.5
Map. November 1952. Parish of Stradbroke, County of Stanley. Brisbane Land Agents Districts. Moreton, Qld. Drawn and published at the Survey Office Department of Public Lands Brisbane.
Minjerribah / Terangeri (North Stradbroke Island)
QYAC Quandamooka Festival Guide 2017, p.5.
Wallen Wallen Creek
Map. November 1952. Parish of Stradbroke, County of Stanley. Brisbane Land Agents Districts. Moreton, Qld. Drawn and published at the Survey Office Department of Public Lands Brisbane.
Map. 1888. Part of the Parish of Stanley, from the John Sands Atlas. Reproduced in “Stradbroke in Early Maps” J. Covacevich, E. Durbidge, J. McInnes, Focus on Stradbroke Boolarong Publications Brisbane. Stradbroke Island Management Organisation. Amity Point. 1984. P.93.
Map. November 1952. Parish of Stradbroke, County of Stanley. Brisbane Land Agents Districts. Moreton, Qld. Drawn and published at the Survey Office Department of Public Lands Brisbane.
Map. December 1971. Russell Island. Queensland Topographic Survey. Prepared and printed at the Survey Office. Department of Lands Brisbane.
Map. December 1971. Russell Island. Queensland Topographic Survey. Prepared and printed at the Survey Office. Department of Lands Brisbane; Map. 1888. Part of the Parish of Stanley, from the John Sands Atlas. Reproduced in “Stradbroke in Early Maps” J. Covacevich, E. Durbidge, J. McInnes. Focus on Stradbroke Boolarong Publications Brisbane. Stradbroke Island Management Organisation. Amity Point. 1984. P.93.
Map Oyster Fisheries, Moreton Bay Southern Division. 1890 (Draftsman H.M. Trower, printed by Government Ingraving and Lithographic Office, Brisbane. Reproduced in “Stradbroke in Early Maps” J. Covacevich, E. Durbidge, J. McInnes. Focus on Stradbroke Boorarong Publications Brisbane. Stradbroke Island Management Organisation. Amity Point. 1984. P.95; Map. December 1971. Russell Island. Queensland Topographic Survey. Prepared and printed at the Survey Office. Department of Lands Brisbane; Paul Tripcony Collection. Fryer Library. University of Queensland;
Wijiwijipa (Swan Bay)
Minjerribah Moorgumpin Elders–in-Council Jandai Language Dictionary Dunwich 2011, p.77.
Map. December 1971. Russell Island. Queensland Topographic Survey. Prepared and printed at the Survey Office. Department of Lands Brisbane.
Date & Time
- Present
15-17 Welsby Street, Dunwich
With Entry
All Ages