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WW1 Soldiers in Dunwich Cemetery

Beneath the green lawns and bunya pines of the Dunwich cemetery on North Stradbroke Island, at least 65 servicemen who fought in the First World War are buried. Most of the soldiers had been inmates of the Dunwich Benevolent Asylum, and are in graves whose iron gravemarkers were long ago lost.

There is more information about the World War One soldiers in the Asylum on the State Library of Qld website. Links below.

Click here to access the: QANZAC100 Project Video. This is a list of the World War One soldiers buried in Dunwich. Our research is continuing, and this is not an exhaustive list.

Name of Soldior - Service Number

Baird, John McEwing - Q15707

Baker, Thomas - 20908

Ball, Lewis Farran - 2332

Barry, Francis - 441

Bennett, Thomas - 5040

Blake, Frederick James - 58301

Boland, Frank Corrie - 1100

Boyd, Charles - 2147

Butt, Joseph - 3715

Carey, Walter Patrick - 7693

Davison, Andrew - NZ Army

English, Thomas - 2610

Ferguson, Alexander - 3286

Fielden, Frederick William - 2860

Foley, Charles William - 3753

Gallagher, Felix Francis - 64354

Grant, George Duncan - 2992

Green, Albert - British Army

Hall, William

Henderson, McKenzie Gibson - NZ Army

Hichens,  Walter Richard Howel - 6271

Horne, Alfred William - 3330

Horrocks, John - 17984

Hughes, John (Jack) - 3868

Hutton, William - 1576

Jagd, Hans Peter - 7712

Jones, Albert - 64364

Jordan, Harry Risdon Hall - 3321

Kemp, Percy Stuart - 1702

King, John - 12

Lambert, Albert - 222

Landy, Robert - 31681 Brit Army

Lapworth, Harold - 2749A

Latter, Horace - Brit Army

Lennox, John James - 2162

Lyle, Alexander Milne or Alfred Lyle Lyod or Arthur Edward Lloyd - 1465, 1565 or 9708

Manners, Rutland - 7733

Marshall, Alexander - 465

Martin, John James - 698/3400 or 3411

McAlister, Archibald - 5716

McArthur, Duncan - Brit Army

McDonnell, James - 3424

McDonnell, Joseph Bernard - 6126

McGregor, Samuel - 2860

McLeod, John Donald - 1994

McManus, Hubert

McQuade, William John - 7096

Noel, Leland Virgil Edmund - 3345

O’Brien, Frederick Charles (Harris) - 2221

O’Dea, Patrick - 4179

O’Gorman, Patrick Joseph - 3918

O’Leary, Cornelius - 2660

Pettigrew, Charles Alfred - NZ Army

Phillips, Ezekiel Herbert - 348 RN

Priestley, Francis Walter Leigh - 2052

Quinlan, Patrick Francis - 2888

Reynolds, William - 3600

Rush, John - 4298 or 4921

Saville, Michael Thomas - Brit Army

Sharp, Stephen Robert - 3369

Speedy, John Joseph - 2396

Teare, Robert - 4347

Walsh, Daniel - 1929

Weatherley, George Alfred - 153

Williams, George Edward - AASC

Williams, Thomas Hartley - 2471

Wilson, John Murray (Myrry) - 2066

Zeemin, Fritz - 1410

Date & Time

- Present


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Acknowledgment of Country

We acknowledge the Goenpul [Goren-pul], Ngugi [Noog-ee] and Noonuccal [Noo–knuckle] First Nations Peoples of the Quandamooka Region, the Traditional Owners of this land. We pay our respects to Elders past, present & future. 

©2023 North Stradbroke Island Museum on Minjerribah

Website by Duke & Darling  |  Feature Images - Julie Sisco

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